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Saturday, January 2, 2016

A New Blog Format is Under Construction

A New Blog Format is Under Construction 
for the New Year 2016

I hope to combine the resources of my three blog sites into one location that will be more accessible to my audience of readers.  The blog will be a resource for:

1. Parents/Guardians
2. Family Members who help care for young children
3. Early Childhood Educators (Full Day Child Care Programs/Preschools)
4. Anyone who is interested in promoting Early Literacy
5. Individuals who are passionate about Early Advocacy Skills Development

Graphic Attributed to:;_ylt=AwrTcXMPfYdWWesAfo0unIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTIycGJtZnNpBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZAM1N2QwZWRjNTY1NWQyYjY2MWU0MjE1OGNkYzg0YTZmMQRncG9zAzMEaXQDYmluZw--?.origin=&|+Royalty-Free+%28RF%29+Stock+...&p=Writer+Graphics&oid=57d0edc5655d2b661e42158cdc84a6f1&fr2=&fr=yhs-mozilla-003&tt=%3Cb%3EWriting%3C%2Fb%3E+Clipart+%231146779+by+Prawny+Vintage+|+Royalty-Free+%28RF%29+Stock+...&b=0&ni=288&no=3&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=12guthnjj&sigb=13tjmuifn&sigi=12dejucrv&sigt=12fg19e65&sign=12fg19e65&.crumb=1yLktlYrdpv&fr=yhs-mozilla-003&hsimp=yhs-003&hspart=mozilla
Writing Clipart #1146779 by Prawny Vintage | Royalty-Free (RF) Stock ... More

A New Novel in Progress

 Working Title: Four-Ninety and Holding (So many ways to forgive)

The past year has been dedicated to writing a novel based on someone's real life situations.  Giving birth to my main character has been an emotional experience. Marahlena is a woman who is required to reinvent herself after falling short of her personal expectations.  Her decision to have a forgiving heart frequently leads her into complicated adventures; often to the dismay of her family and friends.  The journey upon which she embarks is harsh, traumatic, and complicated.  Marahlena's quest to make the best of each pitfall will leave you breathless.  She will have you wondering how on earth she will extricate herself from the next mess that waits around the corner.  Stay tuned for more insider clues about this novel which is nearing it's completion.  I look forward to sharing more with you in the coming year!

Other Blogs that are currently "On Hold" pending A New Blog Format:

Reflections Beneath The Poetz Tree (Parenting Observations, Insights, and Inspirations)

Baby's Books and Bubbles, Oh My! (Encouraging Early Literacy)

The Mother Freakin' (Parent) Hood (Encouraging Self-Advocacy)