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Sunday, July 24, 2016

Beginner's Guide to Creating Book Loving Babies

Summer is a great time to encourage read aloud opportunities. When can a child learn to love books?  Here are a few tips.

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The following was first posted on
 03/06/2014  Here are excerpts:

There are so many ways you can enhance your infant's love for books.  From the moment you learn that your parenthood status has been activated, you can begin to consider what your library will look like. Perhaps you will dream of sharing ideas with your child.  You might imagine what it will be like to talk to your baby and cuddle up on the couch to read a story. 

Here are a few ideas as you begin to establish a very special family tradition. This tradition may help you build a solid foundation for your future reader.  

1. Start a "favorite" book list and add it to your registry request prior to baby's arrival.  

2. Let family and friends know that you are interested in beginning your family library.  

3. Visit book stores and look in the book section at local shopping centers to see what catches you eye.  

4. Attend a story time and talk with other parents to find out what their children love to read. 

5. Have a "Memory Recall" session with family members: parents, siblings, grandparents, aunties and uncles.  What books did you enjoy during your childhood? What books can be passed along from their childhood?

6.  If you were not exposed to literature as a child, what are your hopes for your little ones regarding reading?

7.  Look on line to find resources that provide recommendations and book reviews.  Parenting blogs are also a fun way to connect with other families who read to their children on a regular basis.  They will give you links for reading campaigns and opportunities to bring the world into your home.  Just open a book to explore the possibilities.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Books, Books, Baby!

 Favorite Selections

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Review by Baby's Books and Bubbles, Oh, My!

This hard back book includes adorable, colorful illustrations and textures for sensory exploration.  It can be found on amazon and is reasonably priced depending on which edition you select.  The size makes it easy to toss into a back pack, purse, or diaper bag for a quick trip to the store or doctor's office.  They are easy for babies to hold while in their car seats for road trips long or short.  Simple pictures and words leave opportunities for you to expand on explanations and make up your own stories too! Add a few props (plastic or plush fish, squeaky toy octopus, etc..) to create an interactive story time. 

We'd love to hear your recommendation for great, portable summer reads!

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

FREE Summer Read Aloud Campaign Book Marks - Spanish

Summer Reading is Simple...15 minutes a day
Read Aloud Campaign
Join the Fun!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

FREE Summer Read Aloud Campaign Book Marks!

Summer Reading is Simple...15 minutes a day
Read Aloud Campaign
Join the Fun! 

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Five Reasons to Read Aloud ~ Summer Campaign 2016

This is one way to share time together at the end of your day and facilitate communication with each other. Start this while children are young so that as they grow you can expand the topics of discussion according to their developmental needs. 

Children who are read to on a regular basis are more likely to become early readers.  They may even have a better attention span  when they enter school than non-readers.

Books give children the opportunity to explore ideas,  places, and concepts that will enhance their understanding or different cultures.

Exposure to various styles of writing teaches children that words have a rhythm and cadence that combine to express feelings, ideas, and intentions.  Adding voices to characters and your own interpretation of the text helps your child visualize a story and learn to draw inferences.  You can ask questions as the story progresses such as, "What do you think will happen next?" and "Why do you think the character did that?"

Books teach children to search for references outside of their own scope of knowledge.  Selecting a non-fiction book where you also learn new and interesting facts demonstrates how valuable it can be to conduct research.  Children need to observe that even adults enjoy learning and expanding their repertoire of interests.


Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Read Aloud 15 Minutes - Summer Campaign 2016 

The following post was originally written 2 years ago for Summer 2014 Campaign.  It's worth repeating.  Hope you enjoy it!

Happy Baby! Happy Summer! Happy Reading!

I am so happy to know that several of my Face Book Friends have recently given birth to new babies to cuddle, love, nurture, and share family traditions. Some are experienced teachers and others come from families where books were a part of their lives.  But even if you were not exposed to literature as a child, you have a perfect opportunity to introduce this wonderful tradition to your babies! 

Books encourage a love for words.  Literature facilitates how we learn new concepts, increases vocabulary, and  exposes us to differing viewpoints.  As a child, reading allowed me to fantasize about travel, relationships, and my future adventures.  I learned about different cultures and value systems outside of my circle of knowledge.  Books helped me grow and explore.

I have fond memories of story times. My parents took turns reading an assortment of Golden Books, Classical Treasures, and an assortment of short stories and poems from the Children's World Book Encyclopedias.  Summer Times were glorious opportunities to check out a tower of books from the library.  I looked forward to my dad's weekly library visits with me and my five siblings.

I devoured all genres and pushed myself to see how many pages I could turn over each day before I had no choice but to close my eyes from exhaustion.  Summer Times were my personal challenge and I could easily deplete my selections for the week in record time.  I took my books in the car, to the park, and while I sat outside basking in the warmth of the Virginia Beach sun. 

Books hold a special place in my heart, so naturally I decided to develop this blog site in an effort to share this love.  I signed on to be a Partner for "Read Aloud 15 Minutes" because I believe this campaign has value.  

I remember taking my daughter to work with me when she was four months old and I had some office work to accomplish.  I placed a blanket on the floor near my desk and put her on her tummy with books fanned out around her.  She loved looking at the books as she practiced lifting her head.  Her smiles and coos indicated that she was captivated by the illustrations.  That was her introduction to books in addition to her nightly story time.  My Administrative Assistant walked in and remarked, "Gee, you're starting early with her." 

Here are a few hard back books to get you started with your baby's "tummy time" on a blanket.  When baby gets fussy, try turning the pages or rearranging the books.  You can add a few soft toys for reaching too.  When you notice baby getting tired or looking away, then it's time to pack up until next time. 

Summer Time is a great time to add books to your baby bag, backpack, or picnic basket.  Books are pretty portable.  Take a couple to baby's doctor's appointments, church, grocery store, or car ride.  Don't be surprise if baby falls asleep with her/his favorite book while seated in baby bouncy chair or car seat.  It can be relaxing!

Happy Baby! Happy Summer! Happy Reading!

Baby's First Animals Book - Hardback - 9781409500001 - Stacey Lamb
Orchard Book of Nursery Rhymes for Your Baby - Hardback - 9781408304587 - Mary Ann Hoberman
Buenas Noches, Bebe! / Good Night, Baby! (Soft-to-Touch Books) (... Cover Art
Este no es mi conejito...
Good Morning Baby: Padded Board Books (Hardcover) ~ Jo Foord (Au... Cover Art
Babies, Babies!
Global Babies/Bebes del Munco
Ok, Ok.  I could go on and on with my favorites.  I'd love to hear your selections so I can feature them here!  Please add your reviews in the comments section of this blog.  Congratulations on the newest addition to your family!  I am so thrilled for you!  Happy Thursday!   (Note for 2016:  Today is Tuesday, so Happy Tuesday!)