5 Simple Ways to Have Fun Reading A Book
Presented by: World of Writer Mom &
Baby's Books and Bubbles, Oh, My!
to commemorate and promote
Here's your Five, Fabulous, Fun Strategies!
by: M.B.Varville-Rodriguez
- Sing
the words! Make up your own tune or adapt a familiar tune to accompany
the story. You'll love the way your children catch on and maybe even
begin to make up their own story songs!
- Find a book of
children's poetry to read. Rhyming words are easy to remember. Plus
it's fun to practice "fill in the blanks" where your children try to
figure out the missing words. Pause before the final word is given and
see what they come up with. (We call this waiting expectantly.) It may
or may not rhyme, and that's okay. The idea is to encourage your
children to think about what comes next to complete the thought.
- Find
an interesting short story on the internet. Maybe it's about an animal
they haven't seen or about an activity they might like to try. Find
pictures to go with the story and begin to read it out loud when you
discover it. Start in a quiet, intrigued voice and wait. When your
children hear you talking about the topic and commenting on the cool
pictures, there's a good chance they will come over and look over your
shoulder or stand by your side. Don't get too excited that they've shown
an interest in "reading" with you. You'll scare them off. (Lol)
- Plan
a trip to a thrift store like Good Will or the ARC. Give each child an
"allowance" of selecting 2 or 3 books. Stay near and find a few of
your own to read and make comments. After purchasing your selections,
surprise them with a "spontaneous" picnic somewhere. Spread out a large
blanket and set up your books and snacks. Enjoy the weather and share
your stories.
- Have a basket of special selections at home that
is labeled with your own note. (For example: Books to read to your
dog, cat, goldfish. Books for calming down when you're upset. Books
that show you how to do projects when you're bored.) Make your
selection unique according to what your family needs.