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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Story Time Begins at Birth - Maybe Even Before!

Babies can begin to enjoy story time as soon as they are born. Do they know what is going on? Not at first. But they can tune in to the reader's voice, the tone, the inflection, and the emotions that occur during this special interaction.  Here are a few thoughts:
1. Select a book to take with you to the hospital and video tape your first story time. 
2. Keep the story simple and soothing. 
3. If you have other children, invite them to bring a favorite book to read to their new sibling. 
4. Sing a special song before and after story time. This is known as an "Auditory Cue" that signals when an activity begins and ends.  It helps prepare children for story time.
These ideas will help you begin to establish a special tradition of daily reading time with your baby.  You may even start your story time before baby comes.  Find a few minutes each day to relax and read aloud to your belly.  Pregnant moms have already discovered the benefits of listening to music while pregnant.  Let reading become another method to help regulate stress, find time for yourself, and develop a great habit that will have long term benefits for you and your baby.
We look forward to sharing more ideas each Thursday an hope you will join us on this blog site. 

Book Recommendations
Mama, Do You Love Me?
  Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me
 Goodnight Moon (Board Book)

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